Spot on with the assessment. Frankly it’s hard to say what to do with this team and program as a whole.

1- the coverage of the team is a major problem. Nobody knows what is going on with the program because there is not a local media outlet that covers the team as a whole consistently. Dan Bahl leaving the area really showed the most knowledge since he saw every home game (mens and women) but his departure was a blow and maybe Matthew Mugno will be a solution but he seemed a little wet behind the ears on play by play.

As much as I can’t stand Ken Schott, he gives the Union fan base what RPI fans dream of in post game and weekly coverage of the team. There needs to be better communication and coverage of the team. Coach smith seemed to be very short with the media when you would see him on camera in season.

If you look at the program they are a middle of the road Atlantic hockey program type team but the ECAC I think has almost left RPI behind. And as I write this coach smith has been let go.

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We can keep blaming things like covid and Dr Jackson (which I agree with) for how bad the team has become, but at the end of the day we can't change the past. Dave Smith is not getting the job done, and it's time to find someone who can. I'm not saying it will be easy, but nothing is going to change if Smith remains in charge. Lets not have another year of high penalty minutes, terrible special teams, and high goals against due to inconsistent mediocre goaltending.

From a long time season ticket holder's perspective it seems like the team has just accepted a losing culture. No one is held accountable when the team does poorly. The PK has gotten to the point where you can almost count on a goal being scored whenever they are down a man. This has been going on for at least two years, and nothing has improved. Obviously the players aren't good enough to keep up with their opponents or whoever is in charge of the penalty kill doesn't know what they are doing. Either way its a coaching issue.

Coach Smith has talked in the past about how they recruit on how well they develop players for the next level. I really don't see it. I see inconsistent goaltending, defense, and special teams year after year that fails to improve under Coach Smith. I see some players go to the ECHL for a short time if they are lucky. The days of Oates, Juneau, Carter, Murley, Pothier, Tapper and other alumni spending time in the NHL is long gone because they either aren't recruriting players who can compete at the D1 level or they fail to motivate or coach these players.

Stephen I always enjoy reading what you put out. Keep it up and have a good off season!


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Awesome summary and I agree with everything. About treating the program like a D3 program, I can't agree more. For a D1 program not to sell actual jerseys but some cheapo knock-offs, no NIL avenues for the players, etc. makes it all feel like the program is stuck in the 80s. The program has amazing history but an uncertain future. This is a critical juncture about where the entire program is going.

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Stephen this is a great summary. All these issues have been on my mind particularly the issue of institutional support of the program. Shirley Jackson left the school a mess in so many areas. I totally agree about the lack of social media communication and the urgent need to update/replace the Field House. Recruits are looking for this info as well. Let’s hear what the plans are.

I think Dave Smith is a good coach but he needs the resources.

Thanks for all your efforts Stephen. We’ll all be looking forward to your follow up reporting.


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Stephen you are spot on especially about the part about coach Smith not being able to recruit i have always felt that really hurt him and the program

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